Friday, January 07, 2005

Sensitive and sad on a rainy day

Recently I've been sort of obsessed with the idea of being Jewish. I don't mean that I want to convert, I want to have been born a Jew. Something that I hadn't considered when I started this blog was that people whom I don't know would read and comment on my entries. And here I'm specifically referring to a comment made by "Luis" to an entry that I posted yesterday. I don't know if this is a real person or not. At first I was enraged by his comment until I looked at his blog and noticed that he is 14 years old. And he is apparently a cutter. Oh for Christ's sake.


Justin Cooley said...

I am so fucking pissed that I did not get to make the first comment on this post.


I knew this blog was just an excuse for you to troll for high school cooze.

Justin Cooley said...

"Are you there God? It's me, JUSTIN HOUSMAN."