Hey Chloe Dove,
Terrific poem, although I was frightened by the part about not paying attention to the other drivers around you. Driving requires that you react to the other drivers on the road, especially since everyone else besides me and the rest of the enforcers (you know who you are) have hideous driving skills. Sorry too about the grammar police, but my friends are hyper-intelligent intellectual giants, and many of them won't stand for a corruption of the English language. With respect to the perceived gayness of the male pop star world--sorry to tread on your turf. All I know is that I saw Nick Lachey wearing pants with the legs rolled up, a ribbed t-shirt with no sleeves, and huge diamond earrings-all at the same time. I dont profess to be an expert gay spotter, but come on. Plus my friend Bill totally loves him, and he has a huge soft spot in his heart for the gays. (See Federal Cheese blog entry Feb 9) If you and my friend Jody meet in Orange County, maybe you could come up and we'll all go to Olive Garden Santa Maria! Hospitaliano! I'll have the Southwest Chicken ALfredo Asian Carbonara Santa Fe Low Carb Pepper encrusted Wrap.
Hey everyone else,
Today is a fucking horrible day. My close friend's kitten was hit by a maniacal driver last night. Occy the cat is dead. I was a surrogate father to the young animal, and a piece of me died with him. His speed and grace were unmatched, as was his love of humans. Anyone with a special pet out there, hold them a little closer today, and treasure the spark that they bring to your life.
you played with a cat's breasts? i didn't even know cat's had breasts.
I live directly adjacent to a main highway in Wyoming. We've lost 5 cats from them being hit on the road. Since my partner is asthmatic we can't keep them inside. We give them food and shelter, love and vet care. They're such different creatures than our dogs and would never allow us to chain them up. We give them as good as a home as we can in the time they are here in rural farming country. So I do understand your pain with the loss of your kitten. Its hell. But you gave it a great home and I'm sure they won't forget it. Be well.
Dearest Justin,
I must confess...I have become a fan of your blogs. I love them, and up until this point I have done so privately. As you know the family lost our beloved Shadow on December 4th, as well as our precious Petey on July 31st. I know the pain you and your friend must be feeling. My condolensces to you HZA. As for your "Chloe Dove", I have my suspicions as to "her" true identity. I must investigate a bit further, we shall see what I dig up. I will contact you with my findings. I do have one complaint though, your Myspace is pathetic. Get some friends, post some pics PLEASE! The family loves you. You know where we live so don't be a stranger. My kitties are getting chicken for dinner in honor of Occy.
i had a cat nemed Ben who got hit by a car. devastating. then my brother's cat P-Roy got backed over by a car. why do the good cats die so soon, but that fucking garfield continues to haunt my newspaper?
Josh, what more could I possibly want out of a blog than I have here at hzablog?
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