This morning while I was on the bus headed for Poly, I overheard a discussion by two guys nearby. Here is the transcript:
"Hey. How's your quarter?"
"Good. I'm just working on my senior project."
"Oh yeah, what is it?"
"That robotic neurosynthesis project I told you about."
"That's right. How is the robot responding?"
"Great, we had a clean run yesterday, but we need to do some massive calculations to help synthesize the electro-"
At this point I had stopped listening and returned to my book about natives on New Guinea.
You do have that 64 mile per hour fastball going for you, though.
Hey ,I know for a fact that Housman has consulted Hershiser regarding his curve and it's "coming around."
if tom cruise said it, it must be true
you know if you name drop famous people on your blog, it'll show up on google, as i was telling my good friend mr bishop desmond tutu.
whatever happened to chloe dove? did HABER'S pc crash, or what?
if tom cruise said it, it must be true
bill came out of the closet to say:
"Hey ,I know for a fact that Housman has consulted Hershiser regarding his curve and it's "coming around.""
First of all, I do not believe that Housman knows The Bulldog personally. Secondly, I am best friends forever with Mr. Robin Ventura.
Bill is referring to my watching Orel give a breaking ball demonstration to his son prior to the A's v Rangers game in Phoenix. I'm sorry that I didn't share the story with you.
apology accepted.
Yeah. I probably would have stopped listening too.
Ahh, yes...a subject dear to my heart. The big downside to having a fiance doing doctoral research: most of the parties, dinners, etc that I attend are filled with other people doing doctoral research. Nothing makes you feel like an ass quite like listening to half a dozen people talking about the great potential such-and-such binding site has to cure cancer or whatever then being asked "and what do you do?" when your response is: "I make t-shirts". That's why I spend every Saturday night crying myself to sleep wishing I'd paid attention in Mr. Furby's calculus class.
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