Monday, April 18, 2005

Ladies and Gentlemen

At this time I would like to acknowledge that the academy has chosen to honor David Lacross' post on the history of the tractor pull, as the greatest post ever. You serve as a model for commenters everywhere, and your talents have not gone unnoticed. I thank you, the academy thanks you, and the entire civilized world thanks you.

P.S. The academy is only pretty sure that David is the author of that post, and regrets any grief that this presumption may cause.


Amy said...

We don't know each other, I'm in Kansas. We're familiar with tractor pulls around here, but that doesn't make us *all* bad people. Just wanted to tell you that your last post came up in conversation (the topic...turns out I was talking to the other 3 people in KS who don't like tractor pulls). :)

Anonymous said...

actually, people from kansas ARE all bad people; that's why they live in kansas.