Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I apologize

Sorry about that. Really, I don't know what happened, I sat down to write a little something, and that little emotional tirade ended up on the screen. No more of those kinds of posts. And regardless to any similarities with the event in that post to an event that you may remember me telling you about, yesterday's post was actually a reference to Shawn Green's leaving the Dodgers.

I would at this point like to express my feelings about guys who slap fives or whatever, in greeting. I'm not really into that. If you want to do the bro slap, fine, but know that I think it is a bit ridiculous.


Justin Cooley said...

You should apologize for apologizing oh and also totally, um, own your feelings bro.

Compagnucci said...

1)Is that how one keeps marijuana? In a jar? meh.

2)Thank you for the tip on opening the jar. If I can master it I'll be having ravioli with marinara tonight.

3)Okay, so they don't actively try to make me feel like an idiot, they just shoot me odd glances, as if to say, "there are already lights on, what are the candles for?" If they don't get it, I don't want to explain it.

4)North Beach is located in San Clemente, where I've only worn a wetsuit four times. I actually didn't get to go surfing like I had planned, because my mother didn't care to see me last weekend. Weird. Anyway, my friend Ash went instead, and he reported that it was far to cold at North Beach to even consider submerging yourself in the water without a wetsuit. Apparently Rush is incapable of feeling cold.

5)I missed Eddie Johnson's bicycle kick...I've missed every game that I've wanted to see; our television only plays static. I've gotten my fill of soccer via the internet, and my friend's bad over-the-phone-sportscasting.

6)Tire swings are the best kind of swings, although I can't say that I've been privelaged enough to have encountered one recently. Nor have I climbed a tree in recent memory. I promise I won't break your tire swing. Or your tree.