I came up with a new reason to feel self-righteous this morning. I was driving to Morro Bay to look at the surf, and I thought to myself, "Hey. Gas is way expensive. Give 55mph a chance. Save some gas." So I did. Within maybe two miles I was already looking disapprovally at cars zooming by me in the fast lane, and pronouncing them gasoline wastrels. I started to make "PPfff" sounds, and roll my eyes at drivers going the same speed that I had been driving only 5 minutes before. I need to think about it for a bit, but I may have set a new land speed record for hypocrisy.
15,000 dead and I'm still paying $2.65 a gallon. What gives?
Joshua Hillis came out of the closet to say...
"Where did this come from? I can't remember what this post has to do with paying 2.65 a gallon."
I was bored and this post was tagentally (ed. note: Spelled correctly on first attempt) related to energy shortage which, in my solipsistic rage, I immediately tied into being about me. I drive a lot and therefore buy a lot of gas. Mostly, however, my post was just an excuse to say something snide. The end.
actually COOLIO, it's spelled TANGENTIALLY. there's nothing sadder than the incorrect spelling of an uncommon word, save perhaps not knowing you've misspelled it.
I'm gonna blame this on a typo vs. spelling. A subtle distinction, to be sure.
Why won't blogger let you edit? Join us in the 1990's, plz.
so are you all done blogging or what
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