Sunday, October 09, 2005

Big Sur ist rad

What is awesome is when you are at Linnea's and the song that is also the ringtone used by your phone is playing on the cafe stereo, and then your phone rings, so your phone is also playing the same song and then everyone looks at you like, "oh great your phone is playing the same song as the cafe" and then you fumble to answer your phone, but drop it instead and then can't reach it, so it just keeps ringing and ringing, or rather playing and playing, and now everyone thinks that you are letting it ring on purpose, but then just when it can't get any worse, the song on the cafe stereo and your phone's song have linked up in a weird sort of harmony, and it actually sounds kind of rad now, but then your phone stops ringing. Ha Ha, embarrassing.

1 comment:

Justin Cooley said...

Why were they playing Rush at Linneas?