Sunday, October 09, 2005

social disadvantages of the impaired

Oh god. Dad. Fucking Google image search ruined my Kevin Costner is my dad fantasy.


Housman said...

Oh damn Josh. I'm going to be in Brazil in November. Maybe next fall we can get together.

Justin Cooley said...

This seems like as good a place as any to note that the Templeton NeoCons defeated the HZA Horsemen 123 to 42 this week.

Anonymous said...

dude yer dad kinda looks like the fonz...

Anonymous said...

I'm going to take a wild leap here and suggest that Anonymous is the same person who begins most of his comments (and sentences) with the word "dude".

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Cooley, what are you doing on the blogosphere at 6 damn am in the morning, really...geesh.

Justin Cooley said...

I wake up early and all that.