Friday, September 09, 2005

I'm into earthtones, birthstones, and erogenous zones

Once upon a time, I was able to compose my thoughts freely on this site. I was able to pontificate, objectify, patronize, flatter, single out, speak ill of, wish harm, express love, ponder and pander. Recently however, my entry resulted in an unanticipated misunderstanding of catacylsmic proportions. For that I am sorry. Anyone who wants to know what the commotion was about is free to ask me directly, but I'm hesitant to explain in the public sphere right now.

So this new computer thing takes a little getting used to. In fact, I feel like I've entered into a new clique of some sort. Until last week, while I was at Linnea's I was a dog-eared paperback book reader guy, and now I'm a plugged-in, laptop user guy which strikes me as a significant difference. I guess that I'll have to stop the anti-technology diatribes that I tend to unleash when I'm high and oratory. I mean, checking the surf cams while eating a muffin at Linnea's-how could life possibly be any sweeter?


Anonymous said...

Nice title

Anonymous said...

I promise not to involve anymore. I never wanted to change your life and I feel stupid for ruining the essence of blogging for you. I know tone is ambiguous in cyberspace, but seriously, I am sorry for being so hostile. You can post what you want. I fess up to being a child, I am too easily upset.

Justin Cooley said...

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Housman said...

I am so fucking confused

Anonymous said...

hey JOSH, i never won the blue pen award, but i did win perry's "coveted NEON pen award". so how you like them apples?

Anonymous said...

No way Josh was in Honors English.

Justin Cooley said...

Hello 911? I just witnessed a horrible burn.