Saturday, November 26, 2005

leo mazzone- pitching coach for the atlanta braves; chess master

i decided a couple of summers ago that i would learn, that summer, how to ride a motorcycle. this has little to do with anything except to illustrate that i sometimes have ideas about things i would like to learn how to do. or sometimes i wish to be much better at things that i already know how to do. most recently, i've considered the possibility of playing chess by myself, which seems like a great way to get better. ok, once i saw a guy play chess against himself, and he played very quickly and efficiently, and it was really great. so i didn't exactly come up with this idea out of nowhere. but anyway, there is a guy sitting by me playing chess by himself right now. he is rocking and swaying back and forth in his chair to the point that i fear he will slip off and fall onto the ground. he is wearing a very long and very interesting blue jacket that might be considered a trenchcoat. he runs his hands through his filthy hair between moves and clearly is putting a great deal of thought into his task. he may very well be crazy. and now that i watch more closely, he is putting his hand on pieces and taking it off without moving the piece, and sometimes he makes a move, then thinks better of it and returns the piece to its original space. so now i'm considering how difficult it may be to observe the rules of the game while playing against yourself. would i favor black or white? would i feel a sense of triumph and loss at the end of each match? would i end up wearing a trenchcoat and nervously list side to side in front of complete strangers? would i get better at chess? god, life is really hard.


Anonymous said...

i've often thought about this myself, and have come to the conclusion that, if one were truly playing honestly, the game would be unwinnable.

Housman said...
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Housman said...

hey leo,
i just want to thank you for reading my blog. i am a little bit surprised that you have chosen to read hzablog, but thank you for your comment, and good luck with the 2006 season.

Bill Eseltine said...

The empire grows, but I'm still shooting for Mel Stottlemire.

Anonymous said...

BENjAMIN says...

hey, JOSH! no way are you gonna remember this, but way back in the day you let me borrow an episode of GI JOE you'd taped off the tv. not vhs, either. you'd actually held an audio tape recorder up to the tube, for a sorta old timey radio version. the really wierd thing was, i had no trouble at all following the action (in fact, it probably helped). did you do that with every episode, or what?

(ps COOLEY, i dig your site)

Justin Cooley said...

Oh shit. I was just thinking the other day about how I used to tape GI Joe, Transformers AND Voltron and listen to it on my walkman as I fell asleep.

(Also sometimes "Cheers"?)

Bill Eseltine said...

Cooley, you must a been one weird little dude. I fell asleep listening to my parents fighting in the other room like every red-blooded American should.

Justin Cooley said...

Christ, Bill--you should have just put on your headphones.


Parents too stoned to fight in a noisy fashion.

Anonymous said...

it's been a full month. do you even care, anymore? merry christmass, homey. great to have you over, glad you enjoyed. so i tracked down some wolf eyes audio samples on the internet. god they suck. really. they were just so boring. seriously, though- derek bailey. now there's the KING of suck...

love, BENjAMIN..............