Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Bonnie Prince Housman

In preparation for today's trip to Scotland, and in anticipation of constant rain, Margaret and I stopped in to San Francisco Book Co. Her purchase: You Shall Know Our Velocity. My purchase: Down and Out in London and Paris. There are quite a few English language bookstores in Paris, I'm going to venture a guess here, and it is 15. They range from very clean and very expensive to very grimy and very expensive. The best is Shakespeare and Co. which has been there for about a thousand years. You can actually stay there, they have beds upstairs, for several days provided that you put in a few hours of work. I have considered this as an option. And I will tell you why: I don't know. My main goal is to locate a bookstore that sells English-language newspapers. It seems to me that they must exist. I have tried reading the news online, but it is very difficult to fold up the online edition of the New York Times and walk with it under your arm to a cafe.


Anonymous said...

What coincedence!?, what divine providence!? that I should type in your blog address and see that you have started blogging again. It's good to imagine you in that setting knowing that you've imagined it for so long. Keep up the updates, as they're my only form of communication with you. So it begins.

Justin Cooley said...


Housman said...

Is that...Dave? Or, no it wouldn't be...Jody? I know that is a Decemberist lyric.

Bill Eseltine said...

oh boy.

Justin Cooley said...

I think for it to be a Decemberist lyric it needs mor people speaking from atop parapets.