Friday, April 07, 2006

better than saddam hussein...


Compagnucci said...

fyi, someone got to blogfodder by googleling the words "Justin Housman Cookies," today.

Anonymous said...


i'll see you einstein and raise you a gandhi. it also said i was "mr. smith goes to washington", wich when you think about it is REALLY SCARILY ACCURATE.

Anonymous said...


"nihilism, cynicism, sarcasm and orgasm"

"in france i could run on that slogan and win"

it would have been really clever if i'd posted this back in november, huh?

Housman said...

there is no statute of limitation on wit my friend.

Anonymous said...

Halloo housman- this is caitlin or should i say saddam hussain? that's right, i am the saddam to benjiboobah's gandhi. i am also "the godfather" to his "mr.smith". guess who's the top and who's the bottom----->

Justin Cooley said...

I got "Imelda Marcos".